- Title
Abrogation of Stem Loop Binding Protein (Slbp) function leads to a failure of cells to transition from proliferation to differentiation, retinal coloboma and midline axon guidance deficits
- Authors
- Turner, K.J., Hoyle, J., Valdivia, L.E., Cerveny, K.L., Hart, W., Mangoli, M., Geisler, R., Rees, M., Houart, C., Poole, R.J., Wilson, S.W., Gestri, G.
- Source
- Full text @ PLoS One
(A-A’) Morphology of 2dpf wildtype and ele mutant embryos (red asterisk indicates heart oedema). (B, B’) Heads of 2dpf wildtype (A) and ele (A’) mutant embryos showing the coloboma phenotype in the mutant (arrowhead in B’). (C-C’) RNAseq mapping plot of SNP homozygosity across Chromosome 14 and 15. (D) Domain organisation of wildtype and mutant Slbp predicted proteins. (E) Dot plots of percentages of embryos showing ele phenotypes in control clutches (blue) and in clutches injected with wildtype slbpTT-AA-RFP RNA (red). Each dot is the percentage from one of seven independent experiments. Thick black bars = standard deviation; fine black line = mean. (F) Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for slbp and slbp2 at developmental stages indicated. (G, H) Whole mount RNA in-situ hybridization for slbp (H) and slbp2 (I) at developmental stages indicated. Scale bars: (A, A’, H, I) 250μm; (B and B’) 100μm. EXPRESSION / LABELING:
(A-D”) Acetylated α-tubulin labelling of wildtype (A-D) and ele mutant (A’-D”) embryo brains and eyes. Frontal (A-A’; D-D”) and lateral (B- B’) views of brains and lateral views of eyes (C,C’) of 3dpf (A-C’) and 30hpf (D- D”) wildtype (A-D), slbpty77e mutant (A’-D’) and morphant (D”) embryos. Arrowhead in C’ highlights the aberrant extension of RGC axons within the retina. The asterisks in D’-D” highlight aberrantly positioned axons near the midline commissural region in slbp mutant and morphant embryos. (E-E’) Lateral view with anterior to the left of 3dpf wildtype (E) and slbpty77e mutant (E’) embryos showing expression of the Tg(-8.4neurog1:GFP)sb1 transgene (green) labelled neurons and acetylated α-acetylated tubulin labelled axons/neurites (magenta). (F-F’) Frontal views of the telencephalon in 3dpf wildtype (F) and slbpty77e mutant (F’) embryos showing expression of the Tg(lhx5:GFP)b1205 transgene (green) labelled neurons, SV2 labelled neuropil (red) and acetylated α-acetylated tubulin labelled axons/neurites (cyan). Abbreviations: AC, anterior commissure; POC, post-optic commissure; ON, optic nerve; T, telencephalon; PC, posterior commissure; OT, optic tectum; Hb,habenula; E,eye; P,pineal. Scale bars: (A-C”, E, E’) 100μm (D-D”, F, F’) 50μm EXPRESSION / LABELING:
(A, A’) Images from live timelapse recordings of Tg(atoh7:GFP)rw021 GFP-transgene expression in retinal neurons in control (A) and slbpty77e (A’) eyes at 30hpf. (B-B’) Frontal sections of 3dpf wildtype (B) and slbpty77e (B’) retinas showing anti-γ-tubulin labelled neurites/neuropil (magenta) and zpr1-expressing cone photoreceptors (green). The arrowhead points to a few remaining zpr1+ cone cells in the slbpty77e mutant eye. (C-C’) Frontal sections of 3dpf wildtype (wt) host retinas containing transplanted wildtype (C) or slbpty77e mutant (C’) GFP-labelled cells (green).(D-D’) High magnification images of transplanted cells in C-C’. Note the break in the plexiform layer in the retina (arrowhead) in the vicinity of the slbpty77e mutant cells. Abbreviations: nr, nasal retina. Scale bars: (A-C’) 50μm; (D-D’) 25μm. EXPRESSION / LABELING:
(A-A’) Analysis of live 50hpf Control (A) and Morpholino injected embryos (A’) show that the morphological dent caudal to the MHB (white arrow), indentations in the retina (black arrow) and coloboma are successfully phenocopied. (B) Electrophoresis gel of RT-PCR analysis confirmed that several missplicing events occur as at least five variably sized products were generated (++ lane). (C-C’) Injection of degradation-resistant slbpTT-AA-RFP synthetic RNA into WT(C) and ele(C’)mutants rescues ele phenotype. Note heart oedema still present in some cases (C’). (D-D’) Frontal sections of 3dpf wildtype (D) and slbpty77e (D’) retinas showing anti-γ-tubulin labelled neurites/neuropil (magenta) and Rho4D2-expressing rod photoreceptors (green). (TIF) EXPRESSION / LABELING:
Views of heads/brains of wildtype (A-H) and slbpty77e (A’-H’) embryos showing expression of genes indicated to the left of each row. Genotype is indicated at top of each column. Lateral views (A,A’,C,C’,E,E’); dorsal views (B,B’,D,D’,F,F’,G,G’,H,H’). All embryos are 60hpf apart from G,G’ which are 30hpf. Scale bars: 100μm. (TIF) |
Images of wildtype (wt, A-F) and slbpty77e (A’-F’) heads (A-C’; E,E’) and eyes (D-F’) at 60hpf showing expression of genes indicated to the left of each row. Genotypes indicated at top of each column. Lateral (A,A’; C-F’) and dorsal view (B,B’). Scale bars: 100μm. (TIF) EXPRESSION / LABELING:
Unillustrated author statements |