Figure 1
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- ZDB-FIG-210725-81
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- Ma et al., 2021 - Matriptase activation of Gq drives epithelial disruption and inflammation via RSK and DUOX
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(A, B) Projected confocal images showing neutrophils populate the tail of hai1ahi2217 mutants (B) but just the vasculature of WT (A) at 4dpf labelled by the Tg(mpx:EGFP)i114 line. Fin extremity outlined in white. (C) Neutrophils move significantly faster in hai1ahi2217 than WT. n = 15; t-test; ***p<0.001. (D, E) Tracks of neutrophil migration taken from Video 1 in WT (D) and hai1ahi2217 (E). (F) Schematic of the Hai1a protein with protein domains given, signal peptide as purple line and transmembrane domain as grey line. Location and nature of the fr26 and two dandruff alleles, ti251 and t419 given. (G) Selected region of 2D gel of protein extracted from 24hpf embryos for hai1at419 (left) or hai1ati251 (right) in red, superimposed over WT protein samples (green in both). The shift in pI of peroxiredoxin4 in both alleles is indicated with an arrow. (H, I) Projected lateral confocal views of pentafluorobenzenesulfonyl fluorescein (PFBSF) staining of WT (H) and hai1ati251/hi2217 (I) tail fins at 48hpf. (J) Box and whiskers plot of PFBSF fluorescent staining intensity of WT and hai1afr26 mutants at 48hpf in trunk and tail. n = 9; t-test ***p<0.001. (K, L) Projected lateral confocal views of PFBSF staining of WT (K) and hai1ahi2217 (L) at 16hpf. Scale bars: (B, I, L) = 100 µm. |