Hindbrain patterning in Zic morpholino-injected embryos. mRNA expression of hindbrain segmentation markers hoxa2b/aldh1a2(A, B), krox20/hoxb4a/wnt1(C, D), hoxb1a(E,F), mafba/wnt1(G, H), and egfl6(I-L) were examined in control uninjected (A, C, E, G, I, J) and Zic2a;Zic2b;Zic3MO-injected embryos (B, D, F, H, K, L). We note a reduction in hoxa2b expression in Zic morphant embryos (compare B to A) as well as a thinning of rhombomeres 3 and 5, as labeled by krox20 expression (compare D to C). Expression of hoxb4a is reduced (compare D to C), but other markers of segment identity are overtly normal (E-L). Embryos are shown in dorsal (A-H, J, L) or lateral (I, K) views and are 18 hpf.