Fig. S2
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-140710-16
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- Walsh et al., 2011 - Planar polarity pathway and Nance-Horan syndrome-like 1b have essential cell-autonomous functions in neuronal migration
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Segmental patterning and facial branchiomotor (FBM) neuron differentiation is normal in nhsl1b mutants. (A-D) RNA in situ hybridization with hindbrain markers for rhombomere (r)4 (hoxb1a, blue in A,B); r3 and r5 (krox20; red in C,D); r7 and posterior hindbrain (hoxd4; blue in C,D); and otic vesicles (pax2b, blue in C,D). All of these genes are expressed normally in nhsl1bfh131 mutants (B,D). (E-J) RNA in situ hybridization with motor neuron genes that are required to specify the migratory phenotype: tbx20 (E,F), phox2a (G,H) and tag-1 (I,J). Although FBM neurons fail to migrate caudally in nhsl1bfh131 mutants, they nevertheless express these genes, indicating that their failure to migrate is not due to failure to activate a migratory transcriptional program. Scale bar: 50 µm. |