Notch receptor expression in the adult zebrafish hypothalamus. Notch receptors are differentially expressed throughout the hypothalamus. Cross-sections at the indicated level through the diencephalon. Brightfield images show the expression of A-A′′ , notch1a, B-B. ′′, notch1b and C-C , notch3 at different rostro-caudal levels of the hypothalamus. Strong (filled arrowheads) and weak (unfilled arrowheads) expressing cells are detected. Asterisks () indicate areas of no or very weak expression in the Hd. Abbreviations: DiV, diencephalic ventricle; Hc, periventricular caudal hypothalamus; Hd, periventricular dorsal hypothalamus; Hv, periventricular ventral hypothalamus; LR, lateral recess of the DiV; PR, posterior recess of the DiV; PTN, posterior tuberal nucleus. Scale bar = 100 μm in A (applies to all).