Fig. S1
Generation of Zebrabow transgenesis construct and analysis of transgenic expression in adult animals. (A) Diagram of the Zebrabow-GateDest cloning vector for inserting promoters upstream of Zebrabow. Promoters are first inserted between AttL sites to make an Entry vector. The Entry vector is then mixed with Zebrabow-GateDest and LR Clonase II to generate the final recombined vector. (B,C) Tissue sections of ubi:Zebrabow-S (B) and a wild-type adult fish (C) at the level of the spinal cord. RFP fluorescence is shown in red and Nissl counterstain is shown in cyan. (D,E) Brain sections from adult ubi:Zebrabow-M;ubi:CreER animal, with Cre induced at embryonic stage (10-12 hpf). Coronal section of the tectum (D) and sagittal section of the forebrain (E) are shown. Scale bars: 200 μm in B-D; 100 μm in E. |