Rock2b function in DFC/KV cells is required for normal asymmetric southpaw expression. (A-C) spaw is normally expressed in left LPM in control embryos (A) at 16- to 18-SS. In contrast, spaw expression was often bilateral in rock2b MO embryos (red arrows in B,C). shh expression (see arrow in A) indicated that embryonic midline structures were intact. (D) The frequency of altered spaw expression (right, bilateral or absent) in control embryos and embryos injected with rock2b MO or DNA encoding DN-Rock proteins. (E-G) spaw expression was altered in DFCrock2b MO embryos (F,G), whereas normal left-sided expression was observed in most control DFCcontrol MO embryos (E). (H) The percentage of DFCrock2b MO and control embryos with spaw defects. n=number of embryos analyzed.