corastl325 encodes a nonsense mutation in taf5. (A) Workflow for mapping corastl325 using whole genome next generation sequencing. (B) Manhattan plot displaying homozygosity ratio for the AB* background (y-axis) as a function of chromosome location (x-axis). A value of 2.0 indicates 100% homozygosity for the AB* background. Chr. 1: chromosome 1. (C) Fine chromosomal mapping identified a 24 cM region (red box) that was linked with the corastl325 phenotype (top). Genotyping to identify the point mutation leading to a nonsense mutation in taf5. The nonsense mutation was linked to the corastl325 phenotype (bottom). (D) Graphical representation of the taf5 genomic locus and TAF5 protein including major functional domains. Red box indicates the mutated base and resulting nonsense mutation.