ACR induced alterations on retinal hyaloid vasculature and downregulation of insra/insrb mRNA expression at 5dpf. A) Representative confocal images of hyaloid vasculature. White scale bar: 20 µm. B,C) Quantification of hyaloid vasculature showed significant increasing numbers of branches in akr1a1a1+/+ larvae incubated with 10 µm ACR. n = 13–16. White scale bar = 20 µm. D) Insa mRNA expression was unaltered in akr1a1a1+/+ larvae upon ACR treatment. n = 7 clutches with 30 larvae. E) Whole‐body glucose measurement showed higher glucose level in akr1a1a1+/+ larvae upon 10 µm ACR treatment at 5dpf. n = 4 clutches with 20 larvae. F,G) Both insra and insrb showed declined mRNA expression level in akr1a1a1+/+ larvae upon 10 µm ACR treatment. n = 7 clutches with 30 larvae. For statistical analysis Student's t‐test was applied. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001. NS, not significant.