The C-terminal cytosolic domain of REEP5 is required for stabilizing SR/ER morphology.a Schematic diagrams of REEP5 constructs used for REEP5 dimerization study shown in Fig. 5b–d. b Immunoblot analysis of endogenous REEP5 monomer (~17 kDa) and REEP5 dimer (~34 kDa), and exogenous REEP5 monomer (~22 kDa) and exogenous REEP5 dimer (~44 kDa) in HEK293 transfected with REEP5-V5-6xHis construct. c Immunoblots of REEP5 dimer dissociation in response to increasing DTT concentration. Diamonds to the left indicate the detection of endogenous (orange) and exogenous (blue) REEP5 monomers and dimers. d Co-immunoprecipitation assays in HEK293 cells. REEP5-V5 and CnVA-REEP5 were transfected into cells and precipitated with V5 or flag antibody. Left, control immunoblot experiments. Right panel, CnVA-REEP5 was immunoprecipitated via anti-V5 antibody in REEP5-V5-6xHis transfected HEK293 cells. e Immunoblot analysis of C2C12 cells transfected with REEP5 truncation mutants shows depletion of REEP5 dimers in the absence of the carboxyl terminal domain. f Confocal imaging analysis of EYFP (green) and DAPI (blue) staining shows truncation of the carboxyl terminal domain of REEP5 (Δ114–189) causes ER luminal vacuolization in transfected C2C12 myoblasts. Scale, 10 μm. Right, image intensity analysis along axis. g Schematic diagram of truncated REEP5 mutant constructs fused with GFP. Amino acid sequences are shown. h Live-cell confocal imaging of C2C12 myoblasts expressing the carboxyl-terminus truncated mutant of REEP5 (Δ114–189) and recombinant mCherry-fused mitochondrial targeting signal (mCherry-mito) or luminal ER marker (mCherry-KDEL). Scale, 10 μm. i Live-cell confocal imaging of C2C12 myoblasts expressing four truncated REEP5 mutants co-expressed with mCherry-KDEL suggests the importance of the C-terminal cytosolic domain of REEP5 in stabilizing ER membrane curvatures. Scale, 10 μm. Source data containing original uncropped immunoblots are provided as a Source Data file. All images shown are representative of approximately 40–50 total images captured per condition, n = 3 independent biological replicates.