Wtip is required for PE specification. Ventral view of 48 hpf whole-mount in situ hybridization of (A-C) tcf21 and (D-F) tbx18 in (A,D,G,H)control (1.035 pmol/embryo) and (B,C,E-H) wtip morphant embryos (1.035 pmol/embryo). Both tcf21 and tbx18 express specifically in the PE in the control embryos (yellow arrowhead in A, D), but is reduced or absent in wtip morphant embryos. tcf21 expression in the pharyngeal arch (black arrow in A-C) and tbx18 expression in the pectoral fin (black asterisk in D-F) in wtip morphants are unaffected. wtip, Wilms tumor 1 interacting protein; PE, proepicardial organ; hpf, hours post fertilization; tcf21, transcription factor 21; tbx18, Tbox 18; conMO, control morpholino oligonucleotide.