Fig. S2
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- ZDB-FIG-160818-43
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- Zhang et al., 2016 - Eph-ephrin signaling maintains the boundary of dorsal forerunner cell cluster during morphogenesis of the zebrafish embryonic left-right organizer
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Effectiveness test of ephb4b morpholinos. (A) Illustration of ephb4b mRNA and reporter structures. The approximate positions of two morpholinos, MO1 and MO2, were indicated. (B) Effect of MO injection on the reporter expression. 75 pg of the reporter plasmid pephb4b-5′UTR-GFP was injected alone or together with 20 ng ephb4b-MO1 or 10 ng ephb4b-MO2 into one-cell stage embryos. The injected embryos were observed at midgastrulation stages for GFP expression under a dissect fluorescence microscope. (C) Effect of ephb4b-MO2 on development. Embryos at the one-cell stage were injected with 10 ng ephb4b-MO2 or 10 ng cMO (standard control MO). The live embryos were observed at later stages as indicated. All embryos were orientated laterally. No severe abnormalities were found in ephb4b-MO2 injected embryos. |