Fig. 7
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-160818-20
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- Zhang et al., 2016 - Eph-ephrin signaling maintains the boundary of dorsal forerunner cell cluster during morphogenesis of the zebrafish embryonic left-right organizer
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Migration behavior of transplanted DFCs and lateral mesodermal precursors. (A) Illustration of six types of transplantation. (B-D) Confocal images showing distribution of transplanted cells in host embryos at two time points post-transplantation. The horizontal line indicates the leading edge of the blastodermal margin; the long vertical line indicates the animal pole (top) to vegetal pole (AV) axis; the shorter line indicates the distribution distance (µm). Arrowheads indicate the presumed DFC cluster. See also Movie 10 for examples. (E) Distribution distance of transplanted cells 2h post-transplantation. For transplantation to lateral margin, the distance was the scattering distance of transplanted cells along the AV axis; for transplantation to the DFC region (vegetal to dorsal blastodermal margin), the distance was measured from the cell most close to the animal pole to the blastodermal margin. |