Fig. S8
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- ZDB-FIG-160304-33
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- Ye et al., 2016 - An insulin signaling feedback loop regulates pancreas progenitor cell differentiation during islet development and regeneration
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Treatment of PI3K inhibitor wortmannin increases β cell differentiation from ventral endoderm. (A-B′′) Merged and single channel confocal planes of 30 hpf control (A-A′′) and 1 µM wortmannin-treated (B-B′′) islets zygotically-injected with H2B-RFP mRNA and stained with CFP (β cells, green). It is noted that majority of control β cells were H2B-RFPpositive but significant portion of H2B-RFP-negative β cells (yellow arrows) were detected in wortmannin-treated embryos. (C) Quantification of DBCs (H2B-RFP-positive) and VBCs (H2BRFP- negative) in 30 hpf DMSO-treated control (n=12) and 1µM wortmannin treated embryos (n=15). One-way ANOVA was used in C for statistical analysis. |
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 409(2), Ye, L., Robertson, M.A., Mastracci, T.L., Anderson, R.M., An insulin signaling feedback loop regulates pancreas progenitor cell differentiation during islet development and regeneration, 354-69, Copyright (2016) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.