The facial lymphatic sprout forms normally in vegfc morphant embryos. (A-D,F-I,K-N) Stills from confocal time-lapse imaging of the facial lymphatic sprout in lyve1:egfp embryos from 1.5dpf to 1.9dpf (9:03h) with (E,J,O) a confocal image of the developing trunk lymphatics in the same embryo at 2dpf injected with either control MO (A-E; supplementary material Movie 1), flt4 MO (F-J; supplementary material Movie 2), or vegfc MO-1 (K-O; supplementary material Movie 3). Data are representative of three independent time-lapse experiments. The facial lymphatic sprout (red arrows) does not form in flt4 morphants but is present in vegfc morphant embryos that do not have parachordal lymphangioblasts (red arrowheads) in the trunk. The formation of the pectoral vein (green arrowheads) at approximately 6h into the experiment serves as a control to show that the embryos are developing normally. Scale bars: 50μm.