no soul/foxi1-expressing cells later disappear in the no soul mutant. Anterior is to the left. (A-B) 36 hpf embryos labeled with foxi1 showing that the anteriorly located foxi1-expressing cells are absent in the no soul mutant. (C-F) 36 hpf embryos labeled with ngn (C,D) and phox2a (E-F) showing their expression in the visceral sensory neurons are largely absent. (G,H) 36 hpf embryos labeled with phox2b showing that its expression in the VIIth and IXth ganglia is absent, while its expression in the Xth ganglia appear normal in the mutant. (I,J) 60 hpf embryos labeled with phox2a showing that the deficits continue in the no soul mutant. AV, anterior ventral lateral line; MHB, mid-hindbrain boundary; O, octaval/statoacoustic ganglion; OT, oculomotor and troclear motor nuclei; VII, geniculate ganglion; IX, petrosal ganglion; X, nodose ganglion. Scale bar: 100 μm.