Suppression of inflammation by antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Larvae were treated with antibiotics (abx) and anti-inflammatory (ai) drugs from 3.5 to 6 dpf. (A) ISH with fabp2 shows improvement of intestinal architecture in hi559 larvae treated with combined antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. (B) ISH with mpo shows reduction of intestinal neutrophil infiltration (arrows) in drug-treated hi559 larvae. (C) H&E-staining shows reduction of luminal bacteria and inflammation in drug-treated hi559 larvae. IECs vacuolation (arrowheads), apoptosis and shedding (arrows) are seen in both DMSO and drug-treated larvae. (D) Fluorescent micrograph of drug-treated hi559Tg(lyzc:egfp) mutant larvae shows reduced intestinal leukocyte infiltration. (E) Bar charts show gut size, percentages of apoptotic IECs, autophagic IECs, intestinal leukocyte counts and esophageal GCs in DMSO- or drug-treated hi559 larvae (ne12). *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001. Scale bars: 20 µm (C); 100 µm (D).