Left-sided gene expression in the developing pineal is disrupted when the neural tube does not close. (A) Left sided expression of lft1 and bilateral expression of flh in the left pineal anlage of a WT embryo. (B) WT expression pattern of lft1 and flh in a sqt mutant with a closed neural tube. (C) Bilateral lft1 and flh expression in a sqt mutant with a closed neural tube. (D) Expression of lft1 and flh in both the left and right sides of a sqt embryo with a divided pineal anlage. (E) WT embryo with pitx2 on the left and flh on both sides of the developing pineal. (F) sqt mutant with a WT pattern of pitx2 expression. (G) Bilateral pitx2 expression when the pineal anlage is elongated but not fully divided. (H) sqt mutant with bilateral pitx2 expression and a divided pineal anlage. (I) Quantification of lft1 and pitx2 expression patterns in embryos with closed and open neural tubes. Embryos that did not show lft1 or pitx2 gene expression because they were too young or too old are not included in the analysis. The midline of the brain is marked with dotted lines. All embryos were fixed at 26-somites stage and are shown in dorsal views with anterior to the top. The experiment was repeated three times and representative images are shown. Scale bar=50 μm.