shroom3 is expressed in the pLLP and localizes at the apical part of pLLP cells. (A) Schematic of Shroom3 showing different conserved domains of the protein and some of its main known interactors. (B) Schematic of the exon-intron composition of the two zebrafish shroom3 splice variants. (C-N) Lateral views of embryos stained by ISH with a shroom3 probe at 24 hpf (C-F), 36 hpf (G-J) and 48 hpf (K-N). shroom3 is expressed in the central domain of the migrating pLLP at all three stages (C-D′,G-H′,K-L′). It is also expressed in the ventral part of the otic vesicle (E,I,M) as well as in the distal part of the pronephros (F,J,N). (O-R′′) Lateral views of the pLLP (O-Q′′) or a recently deposited neuromast (P-R′′) in heat-shocked hsp70l:shr3v1-tagRFP (O-P′′) or hsp70l:shr3v2-tagRFP (Q-R′′) transgenic embryos. P′,P′′ and R′,R′′ are close-up views of the deposited neuromasts in P and R, respectively. Scale bars: 200 μm in C,G,K; 20 μm in D-F,H-J,L-N,O-O′′,Q-Q′&prime& 10 &m u;m in P,R; 5 μm in P′,P′′,R′,R′′.