Shroom3 mediates FGF activity during assembly of apically constricted rosettes. (A-F) Pictures of the primordium of cldnb:gfp zebrafish embryos carrying a hsp70l:fgf3-Myc transgene (A-E) or of their non-carrier siblings (F). Embryos have been heat-shocked for 15 minutes (B-D,F) or not heat-shocked (A,E) and either injected with Mo_Shr3e6i6 (C-F) or injected with water (A,B). All embryos were kept at 25°C before and after heat-shock. Seven hours after HS, an ectopic rosette has formed in the leading region of Tg(hsp70l:fgf3-Myc)zf115 (B), but not in Mo_Shr3e6i6-injected siblings (C,D). (G) Quantification of the distance between the tip of the pLLP and the first rosette centre. Statistical analyses were performed using the t-test and error bars represent s.e.m. Scale bars: 50 μm.