Fig. 10
Retinal sections from adult Tg(nrd:egfp)/albino zebrafish at 96 hours after light onset showing transgene expression (green) and EdU labeling (red). (A). Schematic representation of EdU injections during the light time course with corresponding immunolocalization shown in Panels B–D′. (B–B′) EGFP and EGFP/EdU co-labeling, respectively, showing weakly-EGFP-positive cells in the INL (arrowheads) and ONL co-label with EdU. The boxes in B′ represent the panels shown in C–D′. (C) Higher magnification image of the box shown in the top right of Panel B′. Note that the weakly-EGFP-positive progenitors co-label with EdU (arrowheads), but strongly-EGFP-positive rod nuclei (arrow) are EdU-negative. (D–D′) Higher magnification image of the box shown in the left of Panel B′, showing EGFP and EdU immunolocalization, respectively, in a cluster of INL progenitors. (E) Schematic representation of a single EdU injection prior starting the light treatment in order to label a subset of the progenitors. (F–F′). High magnification confocal microscopy showing EGFP and EGFP/EdU co-labeling in the ONL at 96 hours after light onset. An individual EdU-positive cell in the ONL (arrowhead) co-labels with weak EGFP expression. The strongly-EGFP-positive cell, in contrast, is EdU-negative (arrow). |