Fig. 5
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- ZDB-FIG-110624-43
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- Putiri et al., 2011 - The zebrafish maternal-effect gene mission impossible encodes the DEAH-box helicase Dhx16 and is essential for the expression of downstream endodermal genes
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Nodal-dependent activation of sox17 requires maternally-derived mis function. Wild-type (A,C,E,G,I,K) and mis mutant (B,D,F,H,J,L) embryos were injected at the 1-cell stage with cyc (A–D,G–J), sqt (E,F) or cas (K,L) mRNA, and assayed by in situ hybridization for the expression of no tail (A–D), gsc (E,F), cas (G,H) and sox17 (I–L). (A,B) In both wild-type and mis mutant embryos injected with cyc mRNA, ntl is ectopically induced in the blastoderm at 5 h.p.f. By 7 h.p.f., however, ntl ceases to be expressed in injected wild-type embryos (C), but remains strongly expressed in mis mutants (D). (E–H) Activation of nodal signaling results in ectopic gsc (E,F) and cas (G,H) expression at similar levels in both wild-type and mis mutant embryos, but leads to the strong induction of sox17 only in wild-type embryos (I) and not in mis mutants (J). (K,L) Overexpression of cas results in sox17 expression in wild-type (K) but not mis mutant (L) embryos. All panels are side views, except (E,F), which are animal views. |
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 353(2), Putiri, E., and Pelegri, F., The zebrafish maternal-effect gene mission impossible encodes the DEAH-box helicase Dhx16 and is essential for the expression of downstream endodermal genes, 275-289, Copyright (2011) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.