Expression of genes in the E-YSL. Whole mount in situ hybridizations showing E-YSL expression of mRNAs encoding the transcription factors gata3 [48], znf503 [49-51], hnf1ba [52], gata6 [30] and cebpa [30,53], one cytoskeletal protein that is potentially associated with the inner plasma membrane (camsap1l1 [54]), two solute carriers (slc26a1 [30] and slc40a1 [30]), one G-protein coupled receptor (gpr137bb [55]) and one integral membrane protein (otop1 [31,56,57]). Lateral views are presented throughout, with the dorsal side (where apparent) to the right for shield and 80% epiboly stages. Developmental stages and genes probed are indicated. Arrows point to E-YSL expression and arrowheads point to I-YSL expression. Asterisks on the bottom right corner indicate genes for which no in situ expression data has previously been reported.