Fig. 5
Pronephric Obstruction Prevents Convolution and Proximal Progression of the Proximal Tubule Segment (A) The proximal tubule in NaK ATPase:GFP transgenic larvae is folded into a hairpin structure at 4 dpf. This anterior convolution is abolished in kidneys obstructed at 24 hpf (B). (C and D) The ET33-D10 GFP positive nephron segment (C) fails to progress anteriorly in 84hpf obstructed kidneys (D). (E) method of measurement. (F) Convolution was defined as the ratio of the length of the anterior portion of the pronephros in NaK ATPase:GFP transgenics minus the length of a straight line connecting the ends of this segment divided by the length of this straight line. The anterior segment was arbitrarily defined as that anterior to yolk extension (conv = (b – a)/a, as shown in the inset). The white bar is the control condition (n = 10). The black bar indicates the obstructed kidney (n = 19). Obstruction was induced at 24 hpf, measurements were performed at 96 hpf. (G) Measurement of the proximal segment progression. The black bar indicates the control nephrons (n = 13). The white bar indicates obstructed nephrons (n = 17). Obstruction was induced at 24 hpf. The measurement was performed at 84 hpf. |