Genetic interaction of Brpf1 and Moz and rescue of the brpf1 mutant phenotype by TSA treatment. (A-H) Synergistic enhancement of phenotypes caused by partial loss of Brpf1 and Moz. hoxa2b (A-D; 35 hpf) and bapx1 (E-H; 52 hpf) in situ hybridizations of zebrafish larvae after single or double injections of low amounts of MOs, as indicated in upper right corners. Lateral views. Arrow in D points to absent hoxa2b expression in CNC. Arrow in H indicates ectopic bapx1 expression domain in arch 2. (I-L) Rescued hoxa2b expression in the brpf1 mutant (-/-) after TSA treatment (compare L with K), whereas expression in treated wild-type siblings remains largely unaltered (compare J with I).