Fig. 2
Expression of prdm1 during embryogenesis. (A-C,F-H) Lateral view, dorsal to the right. (K-N) Lateral view, anterior to the left. (D,I) Animal view, dorsal to the bottom. (E,J) Flat mounts, anterior to the left. (C,D,H,I) Different views of same embryo. (D) Different focal plane in box. (A,B) prdm1 expression in YSL (arrows) and prechordal plate shortly before and after onset of gastrulation, compared with gsc expression (F,G). (C,D) prdm1 expression in prechordal plate, at the boundary of non-neural and neural ectoderm and slow muscle precursors (adaxial cells) at the end of gastrulation, compared with hgg1 and dlx3b expression (H,I). (E) New prdm1 expression in branchial/gill arch progenitors and otic vesicle at 14 hpf. (J) prdm1 expression in slow twitching myoblasts and unidentified neuronal cells; trunk and tail are shown. (K) New prdm1 expression at 24 hpf in pectoral fin buds, dorsal and ventral fin folds and the cloaca; maintained expression in the hatching gland. (L,M) New prdm1 expression in the photoreceptor cell layer at 2 dpf. (N) New prdm1 expression in lateral line organ. Scale bar: 200 µm. ac, adaxial cells; ba, branchial arch progenitors; cl, cloaca; fb, fin buds; ff, fin folds; ga, gill arches; hg, hatching gland; ll, lateral line organ; nc, neuronal cells; ne, neural ectoderm; nne, non-neural ectoderm; ov, otic vesicle; pf, pectoral fin; pl, photoreceptor cell layer; pp, prechordal plate; sm, slow twitching myoblasts.