Fig. 2
Fig. 2
In situ hybridization of genes misregulated in igu mutants corresponds to direction of expression change on the microarray. A,A′: Nkx3.2 is absent from the notochord (arrowheads) of igu mutants. B,B′: In floor plate (arrows) and brain (arrowheads), Nkx2.2a signal is decreased in igu mutants. C,C′: Nkx2.2b signal is absent from floor plate (arrows) in igu mutants and decreased in ventral forebrain (arrowheads). D,D′: Nkx2.9 is severely reduced in the brain (arrowheads) and floor plate (arrows) of igu mutants. E,E2: FoxF2a ventral head mesoderm (arrows) signal is reduced in igu mutants compared with wild-type siblings. F,F2: FoxF2b signal in ventral head mesoderm (arrows) of wild-type sibling is greatly reduced in igu mutant. G,G′: Tbx20 transcript is decreased in the branchiomotor neurons (arrows) and heart (arrowheads) in igu mutants. H,H′: Ntn1b is decreased in the head (arrowhead) and floor plate (arrows) of igu mutants. I,I′: Ntn5 is up-regulated in the trunk (arrowheads) of igu mutants. J,J′: Fabp11b is expressed in the eye (arrowhead) and lost in igu mutants. K,K′: Urp2 is expressed in the floor plate (arrowheads) and is absent in igu mutants. L,L′: Pim1 transcript is up-regulated in the brain and eye of igu mutants. M,M2: Shha shows no change between wild-type sibling and igu mutant. N,N2: ptch2 is strongly up-regulated in igu mutants. Scale bars = 100 µm.