Morphometrics of esr1⎯/⎯, esr2b⎯/⎯, and gper1⎯/⎯ mutants compared to WT. Illustrations above each plot, or on the left for figure E, are a representation of how the different measurements were performed. A) Length of ceratohyals (LC); B) Distance between the frontal end of the ceratohyals and the line connecting the posterior ends of the hyosymplectics (DCH); C) Distance between the left and right Meckel's cartilage/Palatoquadrates (MPQ); D) Distance covering the entire Meckel's cartilage, palatoquadrate, and the hyosymplectics (MPH); E) Angle between ceratohyals (ACT). An Unpaired Mann-Whitney t-test was performed on 24 fish per group (either Mutants or WT) per assessed parameter. Asterisks (*) indicate when significant differences were found for a mutant strain compared to its WT siblings, p < 0.05 (*), p < 0.01 (**). All values were normalized relative to the mean value of the corresponding WT siblings for each mutant strain.