Tango2 is required for the structural organization of SR and mitochondria. (A) Myofibers were isolated from control (8-week-old) zebrafish and immunofluorescence for the SR (Ryr1), mitochondria (Tomm20) and the Golgi (Golga2) was performed. Single-channel densitometry tracing analysis of the longitudinal spatial profile was performed with colors corresponding to the staining pattern on the left, which showed that Tango2 localized with Ryr1 and Golga2. (B) Myofibers were isolated from control (8-week-old) and tango2 mutant zebrafish and immunofluorescence was performed. tango2−/− mutant myofibers showed areas with disorganized or reduced immunoreactivity for Ryr1 and Tomm20 antibodies (white arrows). Myofibers were isolated from three different zebrafish for each genotype, and 10-15 myofibers were analyzed by plot profile in ImageJ in each group. Scale bars: 10 µm. (C) Quantification of the myofibers with abnormal areas with reduced or no staining for Ryr1 and Tomm20 in control and tango2−/− zebrafish. Data represent mean±s.e.m. from three different samples and 45-65 myofibers. **P<0.01, unpaired two-tailed Student's t-test.