Fig 6
Failure of follicle activation and defective folliculogenesis in activin βA double mutant (inhbaa-/-;inhbab-/-).
(A) Ovary of some mutant individuals (~10%) at 70–135 dpf. The ovary contained PG follicles only at 70 dpf, and much of the inter-follicular space was filled with abundant stromal cells. At later development stages (105, 120 and 135 dpf), PV follicles could occasionally be observed; however, there were no vitellogenic follicles and the ovaries were mostly occupied by over-proliferated stromal cells. The boxed areas are shown at higher magnification below. The numbers shown in the photos indicate the total number of fish examined (lower) and the fish exhibiting similar phenotype to that shown (upper). (B) Ovary in the control fish (inhbaa+/-;inhbab+/-) at 85 dpf. Vitellogenic follicles developed normally in the control. (C) Statistical analysis of ovarian types from 105 to 135 dpf (***p < 0.001; n = 3 batches). PG, primary growth; PV, previtellogenic; MV, mid-vitellogenic; FG, full-grown; asterisk, infiltrating stromal tissue. |