(A) Live RB neuron expressing eGFP-Rab5c. Scale bar = 10 μm. (A’) Representative kymograph of axon segment boxed in magenta in (A).(B) Percentage of anterogradely moving vesicles out of all motile Rab5 vesicles in peripheral axons. The proportion of anterogradely moving vesicles is decreased in klc4314 mutants, *p=0.0372 by Mann-Whitney test; error bars = mean with SD. Wild type N=15 embryos, klc4314 N=15 embryos. (C) Average Rab5 vesicle run length and maximum anterograde vesicle run length in peripheral axons. *p=0.0358, ns p=0.5359, Mann-Whitney test. (D) Rab5 vesicle velocity in peripheral axons. NS by Mann-Whitney test (anterograde p=0.6505, retrograde p=0.0792), wild type N=12 embryos, klc4314 N=11 embryos. For all data, one neuron per embryo was analyzed. Error bars in box and whisker plots represent 5-95th percentile.