Fig. 5

Reurink et al., 2022 - Scrutinizing pathogenicity of the USH2A c.2276 G > T; p.(Cys759Phe) variant
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Fig. 5

Electroretinogram recordings show that ush2ap.(Cys771Phe) mutants are vision impaired.

a Representative electroretinograms of a p.(Cys771Phe) zebrafish and a wildtype sibling at 5 days post-fertilization. b The maximum B wave amplitude was significantly lower in p.(Cys771Phe) zebrafish as compared to wildtype siblings (unpaired t test). The average wildtype amplitude was normalized to 1. Each datapoint corresponds to recordings from an individual larvae (mean ± SEM). *p: 0.0445. c A comparative analysis of ush2armc1 knock-out larvae and age- and strain-matched wildtype larvae was shown to result in a similar and significant decrease in maximum B wave amplitude. Again, the average wildtype amplitude was normalized to 1. Each datapoint corresponds to recordings from an individual larvae (unpaired t test, mean ± SEM). *p: 0.0345.

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