Fig. 2

Wohlfart et al., 2022 - Accumulation of acetaldehyde in aldh2.1-/- zebrafish causes increased retinal angiogenesis and impaired glucose metabolism
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Fig. 2

Loss of aldh2.1 led to increased angiogenesis in the retinal vasculature of zebrafish larvae and adults. A: Representative confocal images of hyaloid vasculature in zebrafish larvae at 120 hpf displayed increased branching. Red scale bar: 20 μm, red arrows: branch points as counted for quantification. B: Representative confocal images of adult zebrafish retinae showed increased angiogenesis. White Scale Bar: 350 μm, red rectangle: high-density subdivision, blue rectangle 350 μm square, red arrows: branch points as counted for quantification. C: Quantification of larval hyaloid vasculature showed increased numbers of branch points in aldh2.1−/− mutants, n = 22–24 eyes per group. D: Quantification of retinal vasculature showed increased numbers of branch points in aldh2.1−/− adults, n = 16–17 350 μm squares per group, statistical analysis was done via Student's - test, *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

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