Editing of the zebrafish polg gene.A Zebrafish polg exons are shown as color-coded boxes corresponding to protein domains of the Polg peptide. Black arrows show the position of the CRISPR/Cas9-targeted site in exon 2 of the polgia302 mutant line, and the missense mutation in exon 22 of the polgsa9574 mutant line. In the polg+/+ (up) vs. polg−/− (down) sequences, the CRISPR/Cas9-targeted site is in italic and the protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) is underlined. The new stop codons generated in both mutants are indicated with * = TGA, in red. B, Cpolgia302/ia302 individuals fail to survive to three weeks (B), while part of polgsa9574/9574 animals can survive to adulthood (C). In the Kaplan–Meier survival curve for polgsa9574, time is shown in days post-fertilization (dpf); N = 50 individuals per genotype. The Log Rank test was used for statistical analysis; polg+/+ vs. polgsa9574/sa9574: p < 0.0001. D Body length analysis in wt (polg+/+), heterozygous (polg+/ia302) and homozygous (polgia302/ia302) individuals. The body length of zebrafish polgia302/ia302 mutants is significantly reduced compared to controls at 15 dpf. Heterozygotes body length is indistinguishable from wt at all considered stages. N = 8, in triplicate; **p < 0.01. E Body length analysis in wt (polg+/+), heterozygous (polg+/sa9574) and homozygous (polgsa9574/sa9574) individuals. The body length of zebrafish polgsa9574/sa9574 mutants is significantly reduced compared to control and heterozygous individuals at all considered stages. N = 8, in triplicate; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01. F Representative images of a zebrafish polg+/+ control and a polgia302/ia302 mutant at 16 dpf; a polg+/+ control is compared with a polg+/ia302 heterozygote at 90 dpf. G Representative images of a zebrafish polg+/+ control and a polgsa9574/sa9574 mutant at 16 and 90 dpf.