A. borbonica aqueous extracts treatment prevents from BBB leakage, brain oxidative stress and partially protects from the decreased neurogenesis induced by DIO. (A) Dorsal views of zebrafish brains after Evans Blue dye injection in CTRL, DIO, and DIO + A. borbonica treated fish. Zebrafish brains remain mostly white except for the DIO brains. (B) Dot blot quantification showing that the A. borbonica treatment in DIO fish prevents the cerebral increase in 4-HNE levels induced by overfeeding. n = number of brain fish studied. One-way ANOVA: *p < 0.05. Bar graph: standard error of the mean (SEM). (C) Statistical analysis of the number of proliferative cell (PCNA-positive) in DIO and DIO + A. borbonica treated zebrafish normalized to 100%. The sagittal brain scheme shows the corresponding section through the Dm-SY/Vv-Vd, the PPa, the PPv and the Hv LR. A weak significant increase in proliferative activity was observed between DIO and DIO + A. borbonica in the preoptic area (PPa) and the hypothalamic region (Hv LR). n = 8–11 fish. Student's t-test: *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01. Bar graph: standard error of the mean (SEM).