Figure 1

Single-cell mRNA sequencing identifies different cardiomyocyte-populations in the injured zebrafish heart. (a) Schematic of cryoinjury procedure on adult TgBAC(nppa:mCitrine) fish and immunohistochemistry on section of injured TgBAC(nppa:mCitrine) heart 7 dpi. Overview image on left and zoom-in of boxed region on the right. Mef2 (in magenta) labels cardiomyocytes, nppa:mCitrine (in green) marks the borderr zone, and PCNA (in cyan) marks proliferating cells. Arrows indicate triple-positive cells. Dashed line indicates injury site. Scale bar in overview 50 μm. Scale bar in zoom-ins 20 μm. (b) Experimental outline of the single-cell mRNA-sequencing of injured zebrafish hearts (blue, injury area; green, border zone) (c) Pairwise correlation between individual cells across all genes detected. Color-code indicates cell-to-cell distances measured by [1 – Pearson’s correlation coefficient]. StemID clusters are indicated by color and number on the x- and y-axis. (d) t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (tSNE) map representation of transcriptome similarities between individual cells. (e) tSNE maps visualizing log2-transformed read-counts of the border zone marker genes nppa, mustn1b and vmhc.

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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