Figure 7
Theoretical Predictions Support the Role of Basal Protrusions in Patterning Differentiation Through Delta-Notch-Mediated Lateral Inhibition (A–C) Histograms of the distributions of the distance between successive differentiation events predicted by theoretical model assuming a random distribution of differentiation events (A) (mean ± SD, 40.90 ± 21.55 μm), assuming lateral inhibition signaling occurs through basal protrusions of wild-type length (B) (mean ± SD, 54.53 ± 18.92 μm), or, assuming lateral inhibition signaling occurs through basal protrusions of (D) Box-and-whisker plots of the distance between successive differentiation events under various (E) Predicted relationship between the average maximum length of basal protrusions and the mean distance between sequential differentiation events. |
Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 49, Hadjivasiliou, Z., Moore, R.E., McIntosh, R., Galea, G.L., Clarke, J.D.W., Alexandre, P., Basal Protrusions Mediate Spatiotemporal Patterns of Spinal Neuron Differentiation, 907-919.e10, Copyright (2019) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell