Fig. 3
Single injection of zCNTF elevates the mitotic activity and ColXII deposition. a Experimental design to assess effects of a single intrathoracic injection of zCNTF in the presence of the JAK/STAT inhibitor, 1 µM Ruxolitinib, at 7 dpi. b, c Immunofluorescence staining of heart sections. Scale bar for the whole section, 500 μm; for the magnified area, 100 μm. bTransversal heart sections of transgenic fish cmlc2:DsRed2-nuc (red) to demarcate CM nuclei, immunostained with the G1/S-phase marker MCM5 (green) display enhanced CM proliferation (arrows) after zCNTF injection in the absence of the JAK/STAT inhibitor. cTransversal heart sections of wild type fish immunostained with of ColXII (green) and Tropomyosin (red). Intramyocardial ColXII is increased in zCNTF-injected hearts. JAK/STAT inhibition abolished this effect. d Proportion of MCM5-positive cells among cmlc2:DsRed2-nuc/DAPI-positive CM nuclei. e Proportion of MCM5 + cmlc2:DsRed2-nuc-negative nuclei among DAPI + nuclei. f Proportion of the ColXII-positive area within the surface of ventricular section. n ≥ 4 hearts; ***P < 0.001 |