Larval seizure was aggravated by downregulation of stx1b transcription in the PTZ-induced seizure model. Levels of stx1b gene transcription (n = 20) (A) and STX1B protein (n = 3) (B) were reduced and c-fos gene transcription was increased in the larval (7 dpf) brain (n = 20) (C) by stx1b morpholino oligos injection in the PTZ model, as compared with in the PTZ-only and the morpholino oligos-only injection models. The larval swimming experiment (n = 24) (D) showed that average speed and total distance were not changed, but that the abnormal pathway and overspeed were increased following 20 min in the dark condition and that photosensitive seizure was aggravated under the condition of light–dark transition with 5 min in the dark and 10 s in the light for three cycles in the PTZ plus stx1b morpholino oligos larvae, as compared with the two groups of the PTZ-only and the stx1b morpholino oligos-only injection models. The data show average speeds during the 20 min in the dark and the 10 s in the dark–light transformation; the boxes indicate the difference of locomotion distances and speeds between the light–dark transitions. Swimming tracks were recorded at 2 min in the dark condition and the red trajectory indicates overactive movement and the green trajectory indicates active movement. stx1b-MO1 and stx1b-MO2 were two morpholino oligos that bound to the stx1b messenger RNA initiate sequence with a different sequence; by using two target oligos, their inhibition effect was confirmed with each other. ∗∗∗P < 0.001 vs. wild-type; #P < 0.05 and ###P < 0.001 vs. PTZ model; §§P < 0.01 and §§§P < 0.001 vs. wild-type in the light condition; ΦΦP < 0.01 and ΦΦΦP < 0.001 indicates light vs. dark.