Immunohistochemical analysis of rod and cone photoreceptors in WT and rbpr2 musc97 mutant zebrafish. Rod photoreceptor outer segments were identified with 1D4 antibody specific for rhodopsin (green, Rho, panels A–D). Cone photoreceptors outer segments were identified with PNA-488 (red, PNA, panels E–H) and Red/Green Opsin antibody (green, R/G Cone opsin, panels K–N) all at 5.5 dpf. Opsin mislocalization was observed in rbpr2 musc97 mutants (indicated by white arrows in D,H and N). Severe loss of rod and cone pigment proteins was evident in the rbpr2 musc97 mutant zebrafish (B,D,F,H,L and N). Quantification of photoreceptor outer segment length at 5.5 dpf is provided for rods (I) and cones (J). TUNEL staining for apoptosis in WT (O) and rbpr2 musc97 mutant (P) zebrafish retinas at 6 dpf. TUNEL positive cells/apoptotic nuclei stain green. Scale bars: 100 μm (A,B,E,F,K,L,O and P); 25 μm (C,D,G,H,M and N).