Fig. S7
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- ZDB-FIG-180104-12
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- Djenoune et al., 2017 - The dual developmental origin of spinal cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons gives rise to distinct functional subtypes
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The monosynaptic connection from CSF-cNs on to CaP primary motor neurons is preserved in the pkd2l1icm02/icm02 mutant. (a) Experimental Protocol. Fertilized pkd2l1icm02/icm02 mutant eggs were injected at the one cell stage with both (pkd2l1:Gal4) and (UAS:ChR2-mCherry) DNA constructs. At 3 dpf, larvae were screened for CSF-cNs expressing ChR2-mCherry with the characteristic basket shape found around CSF-cN-innervated CaPs. Simultaneous optogenetic activation of CSF-cN was performed while performing whole-cell patch clamp recordings from the innervated CaP motor neuron. (b) Image of a CSF-cN expressing ChR2-mCherry with characteristic basket formed by CSF-cN axon onto CaP (top), Alexa-filled CaP (middle), merge (bottom). Scale bar= 10 μm. (c) Light-mediated activation of the CSF-cN induces a monosynaptic IPSC in the recorded CaP motor neuron in a pkd2l1icm02/icm02 mutant (top) similarly to WT conditions 1. Quantification of peak IPSC amplitude in pkd2l1icm02/icm02 (bottom) shows the same range of values than the ones found in WT 1,2 (n = 2 cells). Each dot represents an IPSC event. |