Soft tissue calcifications in dgf mutants probably represent passive calcium depositions. collagen10a1:YFP (col10) transgene in sibling (A) and mutant (B). Note that no expression of collagen10a1 was detected at sites of ectopic mineralization (Alizarin Red) at the heart (B, blue arrow). osteocalcin:GFP (osc) combined with Alizarin staining in siblings (C) and dgf mutants (D), no ectopic expression of osc was observed to colocalize with ectopic mineralization in the heart region and pectoral fin (D, blue arrows). Calcein staining marks calcifications in collagen2a1a:mCherry (col2) transgenic line in wild-type siblings (E) and dgf mutants (F). The dgf mutant shows ectopic calcifications in the cranium (F, white arrows), however no ectopic expression of collagen2a1a was observed. Alizarin staining and collagen10a1:YFP transgene expression in the axial skeleton of a sibling (G) and dgf embryo (H), ectopic mineralization of the notochord sheet occurs independently of collagen10a1 expression (white arrows, H). In situ hybridization for spp1 (blue) in siblings (I,K) and dgf mutants (J,L). Note upregulation of spp1 in mutant bone elements. Further ectopic expression occurs at loci that are frequently affected by ectopic mineralization in mutants (arrowheads in J,L; compare with supplementary material Fig. S1H). cl, cleithrum; ps, parasphenoid; sib, sibling.