Fig. 4

Colombo et al., 2013 - Daam1a mediates asymmetric habenular morphogenesis by regulating dendritic and axonal outgrowth
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Fig. 4

Loss and gain of Daam1a function modulates dendritic growth and axonal terminal arborisation of dorsal habenular neurons. (A,E) Single habenular neuron from a control embryo showing the characteristic dense dendritic arborisation (A, arrowheads) and a single unbranched axon (A, arrow) that terminates in the IPN with complex bilateral spiral branches (E). (B,F) Single habenular neuron from a daam1a-MO embryo showing a pruned dendritic arbour (B, arrowheads) and a single axon (B, arrow) with incomplete and less complex organisation of axonal terminals in the IPN (F). (C,G) Single habenular neuron from an embryo co-injected with daam1a-MO and hDAAM1, showing normal dendritic arborisation (C, arrowheads) and partial rescue of axonal terminal morphology in the IPN (G). (D,H) Single habenular neuron from an embryo locally electroporated with pcDNA-C-DAAM1-HA at 44 hpf, showing increased dendritic arborisation (D, arrowheads) and axonal extension in the IPN (H). Images correspond to dorsal views of maximum intensity z-stack confocal projections of single neurons at 4.5 dpf, labelled through focal electroporation of pCS2:GAP43-GFP, with anterior to the top. Scale bars: 10 μm.

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