cxcr5 is expressed in radial glial cells (RGCs) and neurons in the adult zebrafish telencephalon. (A) Schematic representation of an adult zebrafish telencephalon. A stab lesion is performed in one hemisphere (red circle on the cross section scheme). (B)cxcr5 is expressed along the ventricular region in the unlesioned telencephalon. (C)cxcr5 expression after a lesion (asterisk) is stronger in the lesioned hemisphere along the ventricular region. (D)cxcr5 fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) coupled to green fluorescent protein (GFP) immunohistochemistry in Tg(her4.1:GFP) transgenics in unlesioned the adult zebrafish telencephalon; counterstained with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). (D′) Individual channel for her4.1:GFP. (D′′) Individual channel for cxcr5. Radial glial cells (white asterisks) and periventricular cells (yellow asterisks) express cxcr5. (E)cxcr5 FISH coupled to GFP staining in Tg(her4.1:GFP) transgenics in the 3 day post-lesion adult zebrafish telencephalon; counterstained with DAPI. (E′) Individual channel for her4.1:GFP. (E′′) Individual channel for cxcr5. Radial glial cells (white asterisks) and periventricular cells (yellow asterisks) express cxcr5. Note the number of cxcr5-positive periventricular cells increased in comparison to the unlesioned region. (F) Graph indicating the number of her4-cxcr5 double-positive cells before and after inducing the lesion. (G) Quantitative real-time PCR analysis for cxcr5 expression at different time points after the lesion. (H-K) Time-course cxcr5 in situ hybridization analyses on the unlesioned region (H), 3 dpl (I), 7 dpl (J) and 15 dpl (K) telencephalons. (L)cxcr5 expression around the lesion site. Lesion site is denoted by an asterisk; n e 3 telencephalons for every analysis. Scale bars 50 μm (B, C, H-L), and 10 μm (D-E′′).