Fig. S4
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-120831-8
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- Delaurier et al., 2012 - Histone deacetylase-4 is required during early cranial neural crest development for generation of the zebrafish palatal skeleton
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bCell death is not increased in MO-injected embryos in regions where medially-migrating CNC cells are present. (A and B) Live embryos stained with AO and imaged at 14 hpf. Lateral views: anterior is towards the left dorsal is upwards. Images are projections from confocal stacks. MO-injected embryos had overall higher levels of AO staining throughout the head compared to uninjected controls. MO-injected embryos did not show any localized increase in labeled degenerating cells in regions of the head populated by CNC cells fated to migrate medial to the eye and subsequently form the ethmoid plate. Scale bar = 100 μm. |