Fig. 1
sox9b expression in the HPD system, IPD and IHD throughout zebrafish embryonic development. (A) sox9b transcript is detected in the region of the hepatic and ventral pancreatic primordia (HVP). The yellow arrowhead points to the dorsal pancreas (DP). (B,C) During embryogenesis, sox9b expression delineates a network connecting the liver and pancreas. Yellow dotted lines delimit the pancreas and the liver primordia. (D) Confocal section through sox9b and prox1a expression in the HVP domain at 28 hpf. The brackets highlight the overlap between both expression domains. (E) Confocal section through sox9b and pdx1 adjacent and partially common expression domains. (F) Immunodetection of Prox1 and Pdx1 revealing a partial overlap (bracket). (G) sox9b expression in the ventral pancreas of Tg(ptf1a:eGFP) embryos. (H) Confocal projection of sox9b and the hepatocyte marker cp expression in the hepatic bud at 52 hpf. (I, J) Comparison at 3 dpf of sox9b expression in the liver labelled by cp (I) with the pattern of the IHD labelled with the ductal marker 2F11 and Prox1 (the IHDs appear yellow) (J). sox9b expression is restricted to cp-cells (I, arrows) and displays a highly similar pattern to 2F11+ cholangiocytes (J). (K) At this stage, in the pancreatic acinar tissue labelled with ptf1a, sox9b is restricted to IPD (inset) and EPD cells. (L) Detection of SOX9 protein in the Notch-responsive cells (PNCs) along the IPD of Tg(Tp1:hmgb1-mCherry) transgenic larvae at 5 dpf. (M) sox9b mRNA detection followed by immunolabelling with the ductal maker 2F11 demonstrating sox9b expression in the IHD and in the HPD system, notably in the gall bladder (GB, arrowhead). The dotted lines delineate the border of the liver and pancreas with the HPD. Note that the IPD could not be detected by 2F11 immunolabelling following in situ hybridisation. EHD, extrahepatic duct; EI, endocrine islet; EPD, extrapancreatic duct; GB, gall bladder; HB, hepatic bud; HVP, hepatic and ventral pancreatic domain; IHD, intrahepatic ducts; IPD, intrapancreatic ducts; OV, otic vesicle; VP: ventral pancreas. Scale bar=40 μm except H, I and J=20 μm. |
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 366(2), Manfroid, I., Ghaye, A., Naye, F., Detry, N., Palm, S., Pan, L., Ma, T.P., Huang, W., Rovira, M., Martial, J.A., Parsons, M.J., Moens, C.B., Voz, M.L., and Peers, B., Zebrafish sox9b is crucial for hepatopancreatic duct development and pancreatic endocrine cell regeneration, 268-278, Copyright (2012) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.