Wnt signaling occurs in the larval zebrafish intestine. Amplification of Wnt target genes and reporter from 6 dpf WT (A) and topD (B) larvae. The relative cycle threshold (Ct) values for a housekeeping gene (rp32) and the indicated Wnt target genes axin1, cdx1a, and nt1 (A) or the gfp reporter (B) are shown. The mean and SD of three triplicate reactions are shown. For all primer pairs, a no-template control reaction yielded no detectable product (i.e., Ct = 40). (C) Relative abundance (log2) of c-myc amplified from axin1 vs. WT (wt) 6-dpf larval intestines is shown. Levels of c-myc were normalized to levels of rp32 for each sample. Error bars represent upper and lower limits, based on the SD of the ΔCt values. (D and E) Intestines of live 6-dpf wt and axin1 larvae. The axin1 intestine appeared thicker and more convoluted.