Fig. S1
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- ZDB-FIG-100408-14
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- Veldman et al., 2010 - Tuba1a gene expression is regulated by KLF6/7 and is necessary for CNS development and regeneration in zebrafish
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RGC axon regeneration is inhibited by tuba1a-targeting MOs in a concentration-dependent manner. Control or 2 different tuba1a-targeting MOs were delivered to RGCs, in vivo, by placing MO-soaked Gelfoam on the sectioned optic nerve stump. The next day the Gelfoam was removed and 3 days later retinas were isolated, diced and placed in explant culture for 4 days prior to analysis of neurite outgrowth. The graph on the right shows the Nerve Growth Index (see Experimental methods) for each MO at the concentration indicated. Note the concentration-dependent reduction in neurite outgrowth (Nerve Growth Index) as increasing concentrations of the tuba1a-targeting MO are applied to the optic nerve stump. Also note that tuba1a-targeting MOs #1 and #2 at 0.065 mM concentration have little effect on neurite outgrowth when applied individually, but synergize to significantly reduce neurite outgrowth when added together. The image on the left shows representative explants treated with tuba1a-targeting MOs #1 and/or #2 at 0.065 mM concentration. Note the reduced axon outgrowth in explants from retinas that received a combination of MOs #1 and #2. |
Reprinted from Molecular and cellular neurosciences, 43(4), Veldman, M.B., Bemben, M.A., and Goldman, D., Tuba1a gene expression is regulated by KLF6/7 and is necessary for CNS development and regeneration in zebrafish, 370-383, Copyright (2010) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Mol. Cell Neurosci.