Histological analysis of gart and paics mutants. (A-J) Transverse histological sections of wild type (A,C,E,H), gart (D,G,J) and paics (B,F,I) mutants. (A,B) paics mutants are identifiable at 48 hpf and are microphthalmic with a hypopigmented RPE. Retinal lamination and neuronal differentiation are also delayed. (C,D) gart mutants are morphologically obvious at 54 hpf and are microphthalmic with a hypopigmented RPE. Retinal lamination and neuronal differentiation are also delayed. (E-G) At 72 hpf, mutant eyes remain microphthalmic, however, the retina is well laminated and all cell types appear to be present. (H-J) At 5 dpf, mutant eyes remain microphthalmic. Scale bar: 100 μm. Dorsal is up.