Constant light (LL) changes embryonic gene expression and magnitude of cocaine effects, while preserving circadian variation in cocaine and melatonin actions. Effects of melatonin, cocaine or their combination on gene expression display diurnal (circadian) variation in LL, similar to that in LD (Fig. 2), for both zPer-3 (A vs. B) or melatonin receptors (C vs. D). Treatment: Melatonin, 100 nM, 50 min or 20 min before cocaine. Cocaine: 30 μM, 20 min. Y-axis: fold change relative to corresponding, Day or Night, LL control (=1). N=3–4 samples/time point in LD or LL group, 25 embryos/sample. Mean±SEM, t-test (vs. control), * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001; One way ANOVA (between treatments), a: p<0.05, vs. other two groups.